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Spring Boot Interview Questions


What is Spring Boot?

Spring Boot is an open-source Java framework that is designed to simplify the development of Spring-based applications. It provides a set of pre-configured and opinionated features that allow developers to create production-grade applications with minimal configuration and setup.

What are the advantages of using Spring Boot?

Some of the advantages of using Spring Boot are:
Simplified configuration: Spring Boot provides a set of auto-configured components that reduce the amount of configuration needed.
Reduced boilerplate code: Spring Boot provides a set of defaults and conventions that reduce the amount of boilerplate code needed.
Production-ready features: Spring Boot provides a range of features, such as security, monitoring, and health checks, that are necessary for production-grade applications.
Easy integration: Spring Boot integrates easily with other Spring-based frameworks and libraries.

What is the difference between Spring and Spring Boot?

Spring is a framework that provides a wide range of features for building enterprise applications, while Spring Boot is an opinionated framework that simplifies the development of Spring-based applications. Spring requires more configuration and setup than Spring Boot, which provides a set of auto-configured components that reduce the amount of configuration needed.

How does Spring Boot simplify the development of web applications?

Spring Boot simplifies the development of web applications by providing a set of pre-configured components that reduce the amount of configuration and boilerplate code needed. It also provides an embedded web server that eliminates the need for developers to set up a web server themselves.

What is the default port used by Spring Boot?

The default port used by Spring Boot is 8080.

How do you configure the port for a Spring Boot application?

You can configure the port for a Spring Boot application by setting the server.port property in the or application.yml file.

What is an embedded server in Spring Boot?

An embedded server in Spring Boot is a server that is included as part of the application and does not require the installation of a separate web server. Spring Boot provides an embedded Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow server.

What is the purpose of the @SpringBootApplication annotation?

The @SpringBootApplication annotation is a convenience annotation that combines three other annotations: @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan. It is used to indicate that a class is a Spring Boot application and to enable auto-configuration.

What is Spring Boot Actuator?

Spring Boot Actuator is a set of production-ready features that provides information about the running application, such as health checks, metrics, and monitoring data.

How do you enable Spring Boot Actuator?

You can enable Spring Boot Actuator by adding the spring-boot-starter-actuator dependency to your application and configuring any required properties in the or application.yml file.

What are the features of Spring Boot Actuator?

Some of the features of Spring Boot Actuator are:

Health checks: provides information about the health of the application.
Metrics: provides information about the performance and resource usage of the application.
Auditing: provides information about the activity of the application.
Tracing: provides information about the execution of requests and their dependencies.

What is the purpose of the file in Spring Boot?

The file is used to configure properties for a Spring Boot application. It provides a convenient way to configure properties such as the application name, port, and database connection settings.

What is Spring Data JPA?

Spring Data JPA is a library that provides a set of abstractions and helper classes for working with relational databases in a Spring-based application. It simplifies the development of database-driven applications by providing a set of common CRUD operations and query methods.

What is the purpose of the @Repository annotation in Spring Boot?

The purpose of the @Repository annotation in Spring Boot is to indicate that a class is a repository, which is a type of Spring bean that is used to perform database operations. The @Repository annotation is used to enable Spring Data JPA and to allow Spring to automatically generate the required implementation of the repository interface.

How do you configure a datasource in Spring Boot?

You can configure a datasource in Spring Boot by adding the required database driver dependency to your application, setting the datasource properties in the or application.yml file, and using the @ConfigurationProperties annotation to bind the datasource properties to a configuration class.

What is the purpose of the @Autowired annotation in Spring Boot?

The purpose of the @Autowired annotation in Spring Boot is to enable dependency injection, which is the process of providing the required dependencies to a class automatically. The @Autowired annotation is used to inject a bean into a class, and it allows Spring to automatically wire the required dependencies.

What is Spring Security?

Spring Security is a powerful and highly customizable authentication and access-control framework that is used to secure Spring-based applications. It provides a range of features, such as authentication, authorization, and attack prevention, to protect applications from security threats.


How do you implement Spring Security in a Spring Boot application?

You can implement Spring Security in a Spring Boot application by adding the spring-boot-starter-security dependency to your application, configuring the security properties in the or application.yml file, and using the @EnableWebSecurity annotation to enable security features.


What are some common Spring Boot configuration properties?

Some common Spring Boot configuration properties include:

server.port: the port that the embedded server listens on.
spring.datasource.url: the URL of the database to connect to.
spring.datasource.username: the username to use when connecting to the database.
spring.datasource.password: the password to use when connecting to the database.
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto: the mode for updating the database schema.

How do you deploy a Spring Boot application?

You can deploy a Spring Boot application by creating a packaged executable JAR file using the Maven or Gradle build tools, and then running the JAR file using the java -jar command. You can also deploy a Spring Boot application to a cloud platform, such as AWS, Azure, or GCP, using the appropriate deployment tools and services.

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