How to define a array value in Shell Programming?
How to define a array value in Shell Programming?
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how to store values in array in shell script | how to declare array in shell script | array of strings in shell script | dynamic array in shell script | for loop in shell script | length of array in shell script | list in shell script
how to store values in array in shell script | how to declare array in shell script | array of strings in shell script | dynamic array in shell script | for loop in shell script | length of array in shell script | list in shell script
how to store values in array in shell script | how to declare array in shell script | array of strings in shell script | dynamic array in shell script | for loop in shell script | length of array in shell script | list in shell script
how to store values in array in shell script | how to declare array in shell script | array of strings in shell script | dynamic array in shell script | for loop in shell script | length of array in shell script | list in shell script
how to store values in array in shell script | how to declare array in shell script | array of strings in shell script | dynamic array in shell script | for loop in shell script | length of array in shell script | list in shell script how to store values in array in shell script how to declare array in shell script array of strings in shell script dynamic array in shell script for loop in shell script length of array in shell script list in shell script
ARRAY=(1 2 3)
echo ${ARRAY[*]}