What is CSS?CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a styling language used to describe the look and formatting of a document.
What are the different ways to include CSS in an HTML document?CSS can be included in an HTML document using inline styles, internal stylesheets, and external stylesheets.
What is the difference between inline and block elements?Inline elements do not start on a new line and only take up as much width as necessary, while block elements start on a new line and take up the full width available.
What is the box model in CSS?The box model refers to the concept of how elements are structured in CSS, including content, padding, border, and margin.
What are the different CSS selectors?CSS selectors are used to select and style specific elements. They include element selectors, class selectors, ID selectors, and more.
Explain the concept of specificity in CSS.Specificity determines which CSS rule gets applied when multiple rules target the same element. It follows a specificity hierarchy based on selector types and their order.
How can you center an element horizontally in CSS?You can center an element horizontally by setting its margin property to “auto” and its display property to “block” or “inline-block”.
What are pseudo-classes in CSS?Pseudo-classes are keywords used to select elements based on specific states or actions, such as :hover, :active, :visited, and :focus.
Explain the difference between margin and padding in CSS.Margin is the space outside an element, creating a gap between elements, while padding is the space inside an element, creating space between the element’s content and its border.
How do you include comments in CSS?Comments in CSS can be added using /* */ syntax. They are ignored by the browser and are used for adding notes or explanations to the code.
What is the CSS box-sizing property used for?The box-sizing property is used to control how the total width and height of an element are calculated, including or excluding padding and border.
What is the difference between absolute and relative positioning in CSS?Absolute positioning is relative to the nearest positioned ancestor, while relative positioning is relative to the normal flow of the document.
How do you group multiple CSS selectors?Multiple CSS selectors can be grouped using a comma (,). This allows applying the same styles to different selectors simultaneously.
What is the “float” property used for in CSS?The float property is used to specify whether an element should float to the left, right, or none. It is commonly used for creating layouts with multiple columns.
How can you hide an element visually but still have it available for screen readers?You can use the CSS “display: none” property to hide an element visually, but it will still be accessible to screen readers.
What is the purpose of the CSS z-index property?The z-index property is used to control the stacking order of positioned elements. Elements with a higher z-index appear on top of elements with a lower z-index.
How can you apply rounded corners to an element in CSS?Rounded corners can be applied to an element using the “border-radius” property.
What is a media query in CSS?A media query is a CSS technique used to apply different styles based on the characteristics of the device or viewport, such as screen size, resolution, or orientation.
How do you vertically align text in CSS?Text can be vertically aligned within its container using the “vertical-align” property. However, it works differently depending on the element’s display property.
What is the CSS “box-shadow” property used for?The box-shadow property is used to add a shadow effect to an element. It allows specifying the shadow’s position, color, blur, and spread.
How can you select the last child element in CSS?The :last-child pseudo-class can be used to select the last child element of its parent.
What is the difference between “display: none” and “visibility: hidden” in CSS?“display: none” completely removes the element from the layout, while “visibility: hidden” hides the element but still occupies space in the layout.
How can you make a background image fixed while scrolling the content?You can make a background image fixed by using the “background-attachment” property with a value of “fixed”.
What is the purpose of the CSS “transition” property?The “transition” property is used to create smooth animations and transitions when applying changes to an element’s style.
How can you vertically center an element in CSS?You can vertically center an element by setting its parent container’s display property to “flex” and using the “align-items” or “justify-content” property with a value of “center”.
How can you make an element’s width responsive in CSS?An element’s width can be made responsive by using relative units like percentages or viewport-relative units like vw (viewport width).
What is the CSS “opacity” property used for?The “opacity” property is used to adjust the transparency of an element. A value of 1 is fully opaque, while a value of 0 is fully transparent.
How do you apply a gradient background in CSS?A gradient background can be applied using the “background-image” property with a value of “linear-gradient” or “radial-gradient”.
What is the purpose of the CSS “transform” property?The “transform” property is used to apply transformations like scaling, rotating, skewing, or translating elements in 2D or 3D space.
How can you vertically align an element in the middle of the page?You can vertically align an element in the middle of the page by setting its position to “absolute” or “fixed” and using the “top” and “transform” properties.
What is the CSS “text-transform” property used for?The “text-transform” property is used to control the capitalization or casing of text, such as making it uppercase, lowercase, or capitalized.
How do you apply a hover effect to an element in CSS?A hover effect can be applied to an element using the “:hover” pseudo-class. It allows specifying different styles when the element is hovered over.
What is the purpose of the CSS “flexbox” layout?The CSS “flexbox” layout provides a flexible way to create responsive layouts by distributing space among items in a container.
How can you make a text element blink in CSS?The “animation” property with the “@keyframes” rule can be used to make a text element blink by continuously changing its opacity.
What is the CSS “overflow” property used for?The “overflow” property is used to control how content that exceeds the element’s dimensions is displayed, such as scrolling or hiding the overflow.
How do you create a fixed header that remains visible while scrolling?A fixed header can be created by setting its position to “fixed” and specifying the desired dimensions.
What is the CSS “grid” layout used for?The CSS “grid” layout is a two-dimensional system used to create complex and flexible grid-based layouts.
How can you change the color of a visited link in CSS?The “a:visited” pseudo-class can be used to change the color of a visited link in CSS.
What is the purpose of the CSS “pseudo-element” ::before and ::after?The “::before” and “::after” pseudo-elements allow adding content before or after an element’s content, which can be styled independently.
How can you hide an element visually but keep it accessible to screen readers?You can use the CSS “clip-path” property with a value of “inset(100%)” to visually hide an element while still allowing screen readers to access it.
What is the CSS “backface-visibility” property used for?The “backface-visibility” property is used to control whether the back face of an element is visible when it is rotated or transformed in 3D space.
How do you apply a gradient to a text element in CSS?A gradient can be applied to a text element by using the “-webkit-background-clip” property with a value of “text” and specifying a gradient background.
What is the purpose of the CSS “filter” property?The “filter” property is used to apply visual effects like blurring, adjusting brightness/contrast, or adding color overlays to an element.
How can you make an element responsive using CSS media queries?CSS media queries can be used to apply different styles to an element based on the device’s characteristics, allowing for responsive design.
How do you create a sticky footer that stays at the bottom of the page?A sticky footer can be created by setting its position to “fixed” or using flexbox with the “flex-grow” property to push it to the bottom.
What is the CSS “box-sizing” property used for?The “box-sizing” property is used to control how the total width and height of an element are calculated, including or excluding padding and border.
What is the CSS “position” property used for?The “position” property is used to specify the positioning method for an element, such as relative, absolute, fixed, or sticky.
What is the purpose of the CSS “pseudo-class” :nth-child?The :nth-child pseudo-class is used to select elements based on their position within a parent container, allowing for styling of specific child elements.
How can you create a responsive layout using CSS Grid?CSS Grid provides a powerful tool for creating responsive layouts. By using grid templates and media queries, you can adjust the grid’s structure and item placement based on different screen sizes.
How can you center an element both horizontally and vertically in CSS?You can center an element both horizontally and vertically by combining techniques such as setting the parent container to “display: flex” and using alignment properties like “justify-content” and “align-items”.