Points System
- 20Points
Points for you when registed.
- 10Points
Points for referral a new user.
- 5Points
Your answer chosen as the best answer.
- 2Points
Add an answer.
- 1Point
Your question gets a vote.
- 1Point
Your answer gets a vote.
- 1Point
For each follower you have.
- 1Point
Points to add social media link for the user.
Badges System
- Learner50Points
You must have a total score of 50 to achieve this badge.
- Teacher100Points
You must have a total score of 100 to achieve this badge.
- Pundit150Points
You must have a total score of 100 to achieve this badge.
- Explainer200Points
You must have a total score of 200 to achieve this badge.
- Professional300Points
You must have a total score of 300 to achieve this badge.
- Enlightened500Points
You must have a total score of 500 to achieve this badge.