What are the different types of hook in Codeigniter?
What are the different types of hook in Codeigniter?
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There are three hooks :
System Hooks:
Pre System
Controller Hooks
Pre Controller Hook
Post Controller Constructor Hook
Post Controller Hook
Overrides Hooks
Display Override Hook
Cache Override Hook
CodeIgniter Hooks allows you to execute a script with specific path within the CodeIgniter execution process without updating or modifying the core files.
If you need to execute a code that should run every time after Constructor of a controller is loaded, you specify that script path in hooks.
Hooks is a PHP file located in following path
The different types of hooks are:
{i} post_controller_constructor
{ii} pre_controller
{iii} pre_system
{iv} post_system
{v} cache_override
{vi} display_override
{vii} post_controller